Consistency and Balancing
Documents authored by
- Nonfinancial Corporations in the System of National Accounts
- Data Sources
- Special Issues
- Analytical Uses of the Data / Key Indicators
- Way Forward
- Households
Main Objectives, Priorities, and Procedures for Updating BPM and SNA
SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar
Building Blocks: Flows, Stocks, Accounting Rules, Residence, Institutional Units, and Sectors
SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar
Communicating and Disseminating Economic Statistics
SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar
BPM7: Main Features and Outline
SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar
Integrated IIP:Direct Investment and Portfolio Investment
SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar
Integrated IIP:Financial Derivatives, Other Investment, and Reserve Assets
SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar
Overview of the Main Changes to the 2008 SNA
Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar on the Updates of the Statistical Manuals (BPM7 and SNA 2025)
Financial Issues
Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar on the Updates of the Statistical Manuals (BPM7 and SNA 2025)
Accounting for Wellbeing and Sustainability
Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar on the Updates of the Statistical Manuals (BPM7 and SNA 2025)
Elaborating the Accounts, Thematic and Extended Accounts
Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar on the Updates of the Statistical Manuals (BPM7 and SNA 2025)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Positions Manual, seventh edition (BPM7). Draft Annotated Outline (September 2023)